Will Specialize in Renewable Power Plants and Hydrogen!


"Turkey's First Local Green Hydrogen Plant with the Largest Capacity Will Be Established at Bandırma Energy Base."

Will Specialize in Renewable Power Plants and Hydrogen!

Energy news from Türkiye!

- "Turkey's First Local Green Hydrogen Plant with the Largest Capacity Will Be Established at Bandırma Energy Base."

- "The Region Will Specialize in Offshore Renewable Power Plants and Hydrogen."

- ''Applications will set an example for the whole of Turkey and will trigger larger studies at the industrial scale.

The contract was signed in March 2023 for the "South Marmara Hydrogen Coast Platform" Guided Project, co-financed by Enerjisa Üretim.

The project will be completed in 2 years.


energy economics

energy economics Hydrogen Green Hydrogen Energy Base