Turkey's electric car TOGG renewed its 'Logo'


Energy news from Turkey...

Turkey's electric car TOGG renewed its 'Logo'

Bringing East and West together

In the logo design, two arrows fuse to form a gemstone in the middle, symbolizing the coming together of East and West. Logo also emphasizes that Togg is a technology company that brings technology and people together at the intersection of today and tomorrow, thanks to its mobility solutions that make life easier. Necessary registration procedures have been initiated for the logo in the European Union, USA, China, Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkic Republics and Turkey.

M. Gürcan Karakaş CEO of Togg: 'We are getting closer to our goals step by step. We are happy to complete the process of creating a user brand, which we have been handling with a global and professional approach since November 2018.'

Energy Economy

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