Turkey - Russia natural gas trade...


Energy news from Türkiye...   Turkey - Russia natural gas trade...

Energy news from Türkiye...   Turkey - Russia natural gas trade...

Russia's invasion of Ukraine turned its eyes to natural gas.
Turkey gets 33 percent of its natural gas needs from Russia (December 2021). Turkey receives natural gas from Russia through the Blue Stream and TurkStream pipelines passing through the Black Sea and the pipeline coming from Ukraine.
Also, Russia has been selling gas to Europe via Turkey in the recent period.
After the crisis, there was no interruption or disruption in the daily natural gas flow.

BOTAŞ (Petroleum Pipeline Company)


The public company BOTAŞ will install wind farm energy (RES) with an installed capacity of 4.2 MW. With this power plant, BOTAŞ aims to meet the energy needs of the Silivri natural gas underground storage facility from renewable energy sources (Energy Economy).

Turkey's national oil and natural gas company BOTAŞ will establish a wind farm!

Energy Economy

Energy news from Russia natural gas gas energy Türkiye