Public announcemen - BOTAŞ Petroleum Pipeline Corporation!



BOTAŞ Petroleum Pipeline Corporation

It has come to our attention that, under the titles “BOTAŞ allows gas trading” and “Investment opportunity”, certain websites share fraudulent content using the name, logo and title of BOTAŞ, claiming BOTAŞ’ shares are being offered to the public and promising unlawful gain.

Hence, it has become necessary to make this announcement in order to prevent any loss and damage that might rise out of such potential fraud.

BOTAŞ is a state-owned enterprise with 100% state share. As it is not a publicly listed company, its shares are not traded.

Legal action has already been taken against the aforementioned content, and the majority of related fraudulent content has been taken down from the concerned platforms. However, it has also been observed that similar fraudulent content is still being shared over and over through different platforms.

Please disregard any person or organization that requests personal data, money or any sort of benefit by using BOTAŞ logo and/or title, as well as the photos of BOTAŞ CEO Mr. Burhan ÖZCAN. Under no circumstances will BOTAŞ be liable or responsible for any loss, damages, expenses or inconvenience resulting from these unauthorized persons and/or activities.

Meanwhile, BOTAŞ reserves its right to take legal action against persons or organizationsthat illegally use its name, influence or logo for the purpose of obtaining any unlawful gain.

Respectfully announced to the public.


energy economics 

BOTAŞ Petroleum energy economics