Ministry Acceptance of Gürsöğüt-1 Dam and HEPP


Energy news from Turkey...

The construction of Gürsöğüt Dam and HEPP, which is located at the upstream of Kargı Dam on the Sakarya River in the south of the district of Baypazarı in Ankara, has been completed with the small unit accepted by the Ministry.

Gürsöğüt-1 Dam and HEPP, 86 meters high, with an RCC body type, 206 842 m³ body fill, will produce a total of 204.88 GWh energy with an installed power of 39.63 MWm/38.08 Mwe.

It is planned to start production at full capacity at the beginning of 2021 by the Ministry acceptance of the remaining units of the dam.

Energy Economy
