Energy news from Türkiye!


Energy news from Türkiye...  BOTAŞ Petroleum Pipeline Company (Energy Economy) ...

Energy news from Türkiye...  BOTAŞ Petroleum Pipeline Company

ALLEGATION: The recent natural gas cut by Iran is made because BOTAŞ has outstanding debts to the country.

FACT: This is a completely false allegation. BOTAŞ does not have any outstanding debts to any of its suppliers, including Iran.


BOTAŞ (Petroleum Pipeline Company) - Corporate Profile

Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAS) was established based on the Decree No. 7/7871 with the purpose of transporting Iraqi crude oil to İskenderun Bay, in accordance with the Crude Oil Pipeline (COP) Agreement signed between the Governments of the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Iraq on 27 August1973. BOTAŞ, which initially only transported  oil through pipelines, has engaged in natural gas trading and transportation activities with the aim of meeting the increasing energy demand of the country.

With the Council of Ministers Decree No. 96/6526 dated 08 February 1995, BOTAS was restructured as a State Owned Enterprise (SOE) which sustains its activities based on the Legislative Decree No. 233 and princibles ofprofitability and efficiency

BOTAS currently carries out the following activities:

1.Crude Oil and Natural Gas Pipeline Operations

2.LNG/FSRU Terminal Operations

3.Port Services

4.Project Design, Engineering, Land Survey, Expropriation and Construction of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Pipelines and Compressor Stations

5.Natural Gas and LNG Trade

6.Natural Gas and LNG Storage

7.International Natural Gas and Oil Transportation Projects

Energy Economy

energy news from Türkiye energy news botaş BOTAŞ Petroleum Pipeline Company energy economy fsru BOTAŞ Corporate Profile