Average natural gas bill falls from TL 271 to TL 165


Temperatures above seasonal normals during the last winter have blissed out the natural gas users in Turkey. According to a recent report by the Natural Gas Distribution Companies of Turkey (GAZBİR) concerning the natural gas market in 2017, the average bill for a house with a surface area of 100 square meter fell from TL 165 in December from TL 271 in January of the same year.

Temperatures above seasonal normals during the last winter have blissed out the natural gas users in Turkey. According to a recent report by the Natural Gas Distribution Companies of Turkey (GAZBİR) concerning the natural gas market in 2017, the average bill for a house with a surface area of 100 square meter fell from TL 165 in December from TL 271 in January of the same year.

natural gas gazbir